This article is automatically generated and contains all the information collected by the program created by the administrators Watch the video uploaded to the YouTube channel All the data below has been extracted via CoinMarketCap API keys and is for summarizing purposes. Dogecoin Data from the last few hours hour 23 cap 7,502,310,481.66 vol 789,211,448.80 price 0.06 hour 22 cap 7,470,234,452.68 vol 807,072,043.17 price 0.06 hour 21 cap 7,449,000,398.56 vol 830,132,224.56 price 0.06 hour 20 cap 7,625,992,542.60 vol 936,633,236.89 price 0.06 hour 19 cap 7,752,129,416.63 vol 1,003,465,271.63 price 0.06 hour 18 cap 7,591,137,817.43 vol 942,097,611.69 price 0.06 hour 17 cap 7,593,745,490.10 vol 938,593,728.25 price 0.06 hour 16 cap 7,467,694,963.76 vol 897,497,118.28 price 0.06 Today's News Bitcoin news – live: Crypto collapse continues as BTC losses top 70% , Bitcoin piyasalarında son durum! , Elon Musk acha que criptomoedas já eram e aponta qual o próximo setor a "morrer" ...
CriptoAnalisi was born in 2011 with the mission of studying the largest number of Crypto projects born after the advent of Bitcoin. In this blog will be published daily analyzes, reports of market sessions (Asia, Europe, America) and transactions recorded by Whale Alert.